I know, you don’t want to hear it.

And I know it’s hard to discuss. No one wants to go there, to think about it, to even LOOK at the WORDS on the PAGE. But really, it’s important to be prepared. So, ladies an gentlemen, the one thing we all hope we’ll never need, and most of us eventually will anyway – a Bankruptcy Attorney.

OK, so Gudeman actually came recommended to me from a friend, and I’ve passed it around a bit ’round here as well. They’re apparently great for debt reduction too, though honestly, the best thing for debt reduction is always going to be to pay your debt. Sorry folks, that’s the hard cold truth. But should you need a Bankruptcy Attorney you might check out  Gudeman & Associates.

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Fraud Disputes

This is a new one and kinda interesting – considering extradition issues and processes and the fact that half the world doesn’t really like the US anymore, it’s fascinating to know that there are still firms that specialize in International Fraud Disputes. And what’s also interesting is that despite the name of the site–GhermanLegal–the translator script (kinda nifty, too, I wanna know how they did that) translates into Russian, not German.

Obviously Gherman means something I am unaware of – or else it’s just the founder’s name, which is probably more likely. Either way, go check out International Fraud Disputes and see whatcha’ think.

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Hey, I’m back!

And it’s been a while since I bemoaned the fact that we didn’t qualify for a title-loan, so here’s a website that was sent to me, and apparently is “amazing and fast”…that I was unable to take advantage of: Title Loans Fort Worth. The email was sent basically to mock my inability to use it, but since she felt it was so amazing (seriously, she adored the service, the gushing got embarrassing) I figured it probably wouldn’t hurt to pass the link on, since I’ve posted similar things in the past, which is probably where the girl got the idea that she could make me hate her a bit by telling me about her experience.

We have kind of a one-up relationship. It gets complicated. Anyway, check out Title Loans Fort Worth

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I’m almost 30

I know that 30 is not old. Shut up. I know this. But it doesn’t change the fact that when I see something like this, in a city I’m even kinda considering moving to…Anti Aging Boston Ma. It’s slightly naturalpathic, which I like, though I admit I didn’t watch most of the videos. However, it does have some proven ingredients.

Anti Aging Boston Ma just one more reason to consider Boston? Yes? No?

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Actually someplace I’m looking into moving to, believe it or not.

Shut up.

Anyway, Injury Lawyer Detroit was actually SENT TO ME (well, I keep looking for lawyers, so yeah, I guess y’all were eventually gonna start sendin’ me some) and looks like a pretty good firm. I’d like it if they put up a favicon, but I highly doubt that’s indicative of their legal expertise. They have a nice set of profiles of their lawyers, and I guess Mr Walker’s pretty damned good at his job because this email was all up about Injury Lawyer Detroit and he was apparently the lawyer on the case. So woot! Check ’em out!

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Hey, more lawyers!

One thing I hate about a lot of law sites is that they use stock photos to pad their image and it all ends up basically looking the same.  Ticket Lawyer Miami is using photos of, y’know, their actual lawyers. Also pleasant is the nice, honestly WELL coded website, and the honest language used to describe their services. ALSO very nice? Ticket Lawyer Miami has a consultation request form RIGHT THERE. Like, on the site. No, you don’t have to call.

Not that I hate calling lawyers or anything. Nope. Not me.


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